
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Sabang profile

Sabang has been widely recognized as a natural harbor called Kolen Station by the Dutch colonial government since 1881. In 1887, the firm assisted Delange Sabang Haven gained the authority to add, build port facilities and supporting infrastructure.

In Sabang free port era began in 1895, known as the haven and managed Maatschaappij vrij Zeehaven en Kolen Station, hereinafter known as Sabang Maatschaappij. World War II influenced the condition of Sabang Sabang which in 1942 occupied by Japanese troops, and then bombed by Allied aircraft and suffered physical damage until later forced to close.

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Aceh Besar


At the time of Aceh remains as a kingdom, which is the kingdom of Aceh or Aceh was the area now known as the Aceh Besar district coupled with some kenegerian / regions that have become part of Pidie. Moreover, it also includes the island of Weh (now the city government Sabang), some areas of the city of Banda Aceh, and several kenegerian / area of ​​West Aceh regency. Aceh, Aceh Besar within the term referred to Aceh Rayeuk. The mention of Aceh Aceh Rayeuk as real as this is the area that was originally at the heart of the Kingdom of Aceh and also because therein lies the capital city of Bandar Aceh kerjaaan named or Bandar Aceh Darussalam. For the name of Aceh Rayeuk some are calling as Lhee Sagoe Aceh (Aceh Three Sagi).

Currently Aceh Besar is a county located in the southwestern province of Aceh, the capital city of Jantho. This district is the starting point of Banda Aceh and the Aceh region of Sumatra to the other.

Before it bloomed in the late 70's, the capital city of Banda Aceh is Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh city parted ways a municipality so that the capital of Aceh Besar moved to the area in the mountains Seulawah Jantho.

This district is geographically located at position 5.2 º - 5.8 º N to 95.0 º - 95.8 º East with the following limits:

- North side to the Straits of Malacca and the city of Banda Aceh

- Southern District of Aceh Jaya with

- To the East with Pidie

- Next to the West with Ocean Indonesia

Aceh Besar district has an area of ​​2974.12 km ² ± consisting of 23 District, Village 4, 68 and 600 Mukim Village.

Sub-districts in Aceh Besar district:

  1. Baitussalam 20. Seulimeum
  2. Kota Jantho 21. Simpang Tiga
  3. Kuta Cot Glie 22. Blang Bintang
  4. Kuta Baro 23. Suka Makmur
  5. Krueng Barona Jaya
  6. Ingin Jaya
  7. Indrapuri
  8. Darussalam
  9. Darul Kamal
  10. Darul Imarah
  11. Kuta Malaka
  12. Lembah Seulawah
  13. Lho’Nga
  14. Leupung
  15. Lhoong
  16. Mesjid Raya
  17. Montasik
  18. Peukan Bada
  19. Pulo Aceh



Provinces: Aceh

Capital: Jantho

Area: 2947.12 km2 ±

Basic Law: Law No. 7 of 1956

Date - Day finished: May 3, 1984

Coordinates: 5.2 º - 5.8 º N to 95.0 º - 95.8 º BT

Total Population: 302 662 people (2006)

District: 23

Village / village: 600/4

Telephone area code: 0651

Tribe: Acehnese, Javanese, Malay, Padang, China

Languages: Aceh, Indonesia

Religion: Islam

Official website:

MEANS transportation:

Airport: Sultan Iskandar Muda Airport

Harbor: Malahayati in Krueng Raya and Ulee Lheue


Lampuuk beach
Lhok'nga beach
Ujong beach Batee
Ulee Lheue beach
Pulo Aceh
Cut Nyak Dien Museum
Ancient Library Tanoh Abee
Jantho Nature Reserve
Housing Assistance China (China)
Fort Indra Patra
Ancient mosques Indra Puri

Text Box: Lambang
Text Box: Peta


Diolah dari berbagai sumber oleh Seksi Bank Data, Bidang Manajemen Database, Pelayanan Media dan Informasi,

Dinas Perhubungan, Komunikasi, Informasi dan Telematika Provinsi NAD.

Aceh Tourism

Weh, Sabang, and Rubiah

There's not much to be gained from the literature to explain the origin of Sabang. Legend circulating in the community Sabang, located in Pulau Weh, the island was formerly united with the mainland of Sumatra. However, due to the earthquake, thousands and even tens of thousands of years ago, the island is separated from the mainland. So also with the surrounding islands.

M Nur Syafarie (59), a resident of Sabang, claimed to have heard the legend. He half-believed, half not.

The legend tells the beautiful women who inhabit this island, which is part of the province of Aceh, to ask the Creator to land on these islands can be planted. For that, he threw all his jewelry as evidence of its seriousness. In return, the Creator and the rain and earthquakes in the region.

Then the lake was formed and given the name Aneuk Laot. Lake area of ​​approximately 30 acres that until recently a source of water for the people of Sabang though the water elevation continues to shrink. After his wish fulfilled, the princess threw herself into the sea.

Although no clear written sources, the desire of the princess in order to Sabang into a lush and beautiful area of ​​at least reflected in the beautiful marine park around Sabang. Such conditions have in fact also provide livelihood to the community.

Originally Sabang

Sabang own name, Nur's knowledge, derived from Aceh "every", which means equally and without discrimination. The word is left of the character of those who tend to easily accept Sabang immigrants or visitors. This character is somewhat different from the general character of Acehnese who tend to be closed to new people they know.

"Maybe because the long conflict in Aceh so many people who chose a closed," said Djafar (45), a resident of Sabang.

Another version states that the name comes from the Arabic Sabang "shabag", which means the volcano erupted.

Sabang naming alleged departure from the many volcanoes in Sabang which traces can be seen in hot water attractions Jaboi. Currently tourism is no longer leaving the hot water. However, sulfur remains there confirm that there was once a volcano there.

Pulau Weh or Sabang has been known worldwide since the beginning of the 15th century. The Chinese explorer, Cheng Ho, had stopped there in 1413-1415.

Note Ma Huan, one of Zheng He's translator, explained that the north-west of Aceh, there is a land with towering mountains, which he named Mount Mao. There are about 30 families.

In his book Ying Yai Sheng Lan which is then translated into The Overall Survey of the Ocean's Shores, Ma Huan reported that the land was to be one haven of merchants from various countries.

Mao mountain that stood out from the sea would be a beacon or marker for the merchants. Sabang is itself a timber-producing and producing the best laka lotus flower.

"Many historians assert that it is Mount Mao is the island of Weh," said researchers from the Center for Historical Studies and Social Sciences, State University of Medan, Erond L Damanik.

Sabang Erond also suspect that when it became a part of maritime trade network that stretched from the Persian Gulf to southern China in the 12th century until the 15th. Thailand, Sri Lanka, and India included.

Pulau Weh Indonesia itself is a border area with India and Thailand.

Looking at the historical record, Erond not be surprised if later on standing Sabang free port. Therefore, the traffic is interstate commerce has been going on since long Sabang.

Before World War II, became one of Sabang port city important, even more important than Singapore (Temasek). Sabang free port has been running since 1895. Sabang the strategic position of Indonesia as forming regional economic cooperation with Malaysia and Thailand in 1985.

Beginning in January 2000 President Abdurrahman Wahid asserted Sabang as a free port and free trade area. Imported goods through tax-free Sabang. Luxury cars from Singapore for sale in the city.

However, when defined as an area of ​​Aceh military operation, activity stalled Sabang as a free port.

Free port activities increasingly deserted by the publication of Decree of the Minister of Industry and Trade (Menperindag) Number 610/MPP/Kep / 10/2004 concerning Amendment to Decree No. 756/MPP/KEP/12/2003 Menperindag on Imports of New Capital Goods. There should be no longer used goods to be entered from across the border of Indonesia, including Sabang.


In the islands, in addition to Sabang, there are Rubiah. It is located right in front of Iboih, about 20 kilometers west of Sabang. To reach the region's public transportation is available from the Port Balohan.

Just like Sabang, not much to be gained from the literature written about the existence of this island. Rubiah together with the legend of Sabang.

Go to the Iboih would be less if we did not visit Rubiah because most of the marine parks around the island.

Walk to the island we will find some of the bungalows that once inhabited a number of actors-PemerintahIndonesia Aceh peace.

Slightly to the center of the island, we will find buildings that are similar to community health centers. Quizzed had inquired, newly renovated building that houses it was the former home quarantine pilgrims who will travel to the Holy Land.

Newly renovated building that impressed not maintained. Waist-high grass growing around adults. The back of the main building, which consists of four bathrooms, left moss. Some bats make it home during the day. Look at all that the building was never used again.

Saliza Mohammadar, owner Iboih Inn, was shocked to see photographs of the building. Despite more than two years living in Iboih, he claimed to have never seen the building. "When used properly, be a gallery for the exhibition of old photos, would be very nice. Certainly a lot of interested visitors, "he said eagerly.

Era of the mid-1900s, known as the embarkation Sabang Sumatra pilgrims. Some of the neighbors come from Sabang despatch congregation. But, now, the building moved to the Love Beach, Sabang. Rubiah, and the pilgrimage was only an old story. (

University of Syiah Kuala


Name of the Institution : Syiah Kuala University
Status of the Institution : State-owned
Dies Natalis : September 2nd . 1960
Legitimized On : June 21st ,1961 by the decree of The MInister of Higher Education and Science No.11 of year 1961, Legitimized by the Presidential Decree No.161 Dated March 24th ,1962

Vision and Mision

Syiah Kuala University has a vision to estabilish itself as an innovative, independent, and outstanding university in term of the development of science, technology, humanities, sport and arts, in order to produce qualified graduates who highly honour moral and ethical value.

  • To implement "Tri Dharma " of Higher Learning institutions in order to support local, national, and international development by utilizing available local resourcees.
  • To enhance academic quality in order to pruduce highly competitive graduates.
  • To apply integrated quality management in the field of education through the application of transparent, participatory, efficient and pruductive principles.
  • To continuously strengthen and broaden the network of institutional cooperations in an effort to develop and preserve the findings of sciences, technology, humanities, sports and arts.
  • To materialize itself as an independent university.

Aceh ? What is that?

Aceh (pronounced [ʔaˈtɕɛh], generally anglicized as /ˈɑːtʃeɪ/) is a special region (daerah istimewa) of Indonesia, located on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra. Its first full name: Aceh Darussalam (1205-1959) was given by Sultan Meurah Johan Syah bin Adi Genali of Lingga Gayo. Then, Daerah Istimewa Aceh (1959–2001), Nanggroë Aceh Darussalam (2001–2009) and Aceh (2009–Present). Past spellings of its name include Acheh, Atjeh and Achin. The Aceh province has the highest proportion of Muslims in the country with regional levels of Sharia law.[4]

It is thought to have been in Aceh where Islam was first established in Southeast Asia. In the early seventeenth century the Sultanate of Aceh was the most wealthy, powerful and cultivated state in the Malacca Straits region. Aceh has a history of political independence and fierce resistance to control by outsiders, including the former Dutch colonists and the Indonesian government. Aceh has substantial natural resources, including oil and natural gas—some estimates put Aceh gas reserves as being the largest in the world. Relative to most of Indonesia, it is a religiously conservative area.[5]

Aceh was the closest point of land to the epicenter of the massive 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, which triggered a tsunami that devastated much of the western coast of the region, including part of the capital of Banda Aceh. Approximately 170,000 Indonesians were killed or went missing in the disaster, and approximately 500,000 were left homeless.[6] This event helped trigger the peace agreement between the government of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM), mediated by former Finnish president Martti Ahtisaari, with the signing of a MoU on August 15, 2005. With the assistance of the European Union through the Aceh monitoring mission as of December 2005, the peace has held. It is close to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India and separated from them by the Andaman Sea.


Within the country, Aceh is governed not as a province but as a special territory (daerah istimewa), an administrative designation intended to give the area increased autonomy from the central government in Jakarta.

Administratively, the province is subdivided into 18 regencies (kabupaten) and 5 cities (kota). The capital and the largest city is Banda Aceh, located on the coast near the northern tip of Sumatra. Some local areas are pushing to create new autonomous areas, usually with the stated goal of enhancing local control over politics and development.

Regencies of Aceh
Name Capital Est. Statute Area (km²) Population
2010 Census
Aceh Besar Regency Jantho 1956 UU 24/1956 2,969.00 350,225
West Aceh (Aceh Barat) Regency Meulaboh 1956 UU 24/1956 2,927.95 172,896
Southwest Aceh (Aceh Barat Daya) Regency Blangpidie 2002 UU 4/2002 2,334.01 125,991
Aceh Jaya Regency Calang 2002 UU 4/2002 3,817.00 76,892
South Aceh (Aceh Selatan) Regency Tapaktuan 1956 UU 24/1956 3,851.69 202,003
Aceh Singkil Regency Singkil 1999 UU 14/1999 2,597.00 102,213
Aceh Tamiang Regency Karang Baru 2002 UU 4/2002 1,939.72 250,992
Central Aceh (Aceh Tengah) Regency Takengon 1956 UU 24/1956 4,315.14 175,329
Southeast Aceh (Aceh Tenggara) Regency Kutacane 1974 UU 7/1974 4,189.26 178,852
East Aceh (Aceh Timur) Regency Idi Rayeuk 1956 UU 24/1956 6,040.60 359,280
North Aceh (Aceh Utara) Regency Lhoksukon 1956 UU 24/1956 3,236.86 529,746
Bener Meriah Regency Simpang Tiga Redelong 2003 UU 41/2003 1,457.34 121,870
Bireuen Regency Bireuen 1999 UU 48/1999 1,901.22 389,024
Gayo Lues Regency Blangkejeren 2002 UU 4/2002 5,719.57 79,592
Nagan Raya Regency Suka Makmue 2002 UU 4/2002 3,928.00 138,670
Pidie Regency Sigli 1956 UU 24/1956 2,856.52 378,278
Pidie Jaya Regency Meureudu 2007 UU 7/2007 574.44 132,858
Simeulue Regency Sinabang 1999 UU 48/1999 2,051.48 80,279
Banda Aceh * 1956 UU 24/1956 61.36 224,209
Langsa ** 2001 UU 3/2001 262.41 148,904
Lhokseumawe ** 2001 UU 2/2001 181.06 170,504
Sabang ** 1967
153.00 30,647
Subulussalam ** 2007 UU 8/2007 1,011.00 67,316


  1. (*) is a city and also the provincial capital and (**) is a city.
  2. UU is an abbreviation from Undang-Undang (the Indonesia statute of law).

Economy of Aceh

In 2006, economy of Aceh grew by 7.7% after having minimal growth since the devastating tsunami.[26] This growth was primarily driven by the reconstruction effort, with massive growth in the building/construction sector.

The ending of the conflict, and the reconstruction program has resulted in the structure of the economy changing significantly since 2003. Service sectors now play a more dominant role, whilst oil and gas production continues to decline. The economy continues to rely upon depleting oil and gas production and agriculture.

Sector (% Aceh GDP) 2003 2004 2005 2006
Agriculture and fisheries 17.0 20.0 21.4 21.2
Oil, Gas and Mining 36.1 30.4 26.2 24.9
Manufacturing Industries 20.2 18.3 15.9 14.3
Electricity and Water Supply 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2
Building / Construction 3.4 3.8 3.5 5.1
Trade, hotels and restaurants 11.2 12.0 14.3 15.0
Transport & Communication 3.3 3.8 4.8 5.2
Banking & other Financial 0.9 1.2 1.2 1.3
Services 7.8 10.4 12.7 12.9

After peaking at 41.5% in December 2005, inflation has continued to decline steadily and was 8.5% in June 2007, close to the national level in Indonesia of 5.7%. Persistent inflation means that Aceh’s consumer price index (CPI) remains the highest in Indonesia. As a result, Aceh’s cost competitiveness has declined as reflected in both inflation and wage data. Although inflation has slowed down, CPI has registered steady increases since the tsunami. Using 2002 as a base, Aceh’s CPI increased to 185.6 (June 2007) while the national CPI increased to 148.2. There have been relatively large nominal wage increases in particular sectors, such as construction where, on average, workers’ nominal wages have risen to almost Rp.60,000 per day, from Rp.29,000 pre-tsunami. This is also reflected in Aceh’s minimum regional wage (UMR, or Upah Minimum Regional), which increased by 55% from Rp.550,000 pre-tsunami to Rp.850,000 in 2007, compared with an increase of 42% in neighboring North Sumatra, from Rp.537,000 to Rp.761,000.

Poverty levels increased slightly in Aceh in 2005 after the tsunami, but by less than expected.[27] The poverty level then fell in 2006 to below the pre-tsunami level, suggesting that the rise in tsunami-related poverty was short lived and reconstruction activities and the end of the conflict most probably facilitated this decline. However, poverty in Aceh remains significantly higher than in the rest of Indonesia and a large number of the Acehnese remain vulnerable, reinforcing the need for a smooth landing after the reconstruction boom ends.

[edit] Ethnic and cultural groups

Banda Aceh's Grand Mosque

Aceh is a diverse region occupied by several ethnic and language groups. The major ethnic groups are the Acehnese (who are distributed throughout Aceh), Gayo (in central and eastern part), Alas (in southeastern), Tamiang (in Aceh Tamiang Regency), Aneuk Jamee (descendant from Minangkabau, concentrated in southern and southwestern), Kluet (in South Aceh Regency), and Simeulue (on Simeulue Island). There is also a significant population of Chinese, who are influential in the business and financial communities. Among the present day Acehnese can be found some individuals of Arab, Turkish, and Indian descent. Before the tsunami, the region of Meureuhom Daya (Lamno) used to have an unusually high number of people with fair complexions, blue eyes and blond hair, which local traditions attributed to Turkish or Portuguese ancestry.[28]

The Acehnese language is widely spoken within the Acehnese population. This is a member of the Aceh-Chamic group of languages, whose other representatives are mostly found in Vietnam and Cambodia, and is also closely related to the Malay group of languages. Acehnese also has many words borrowed from Malay and Arabic and traditionally was written using Arabic script. Acehnese is also used as local language in Langkat and Asahan (North Sumatra), and Kedah (Malaysia), and once dominated Penang. Alas and Kluet are closely related languages within the Batak group. The Jamee language originated from Minangkabau language in West Sumatra, with just a few variations and differences.